The sumpners test requires two identical transformers. The advantage of conducting this test is very economical of power, even when the transformers are tested at full load conditions. Electrical machines, 2nd edition book oreilly media. The figure above shows that the connection diagram of back to back test on two similar transformers named t1 and t2. Open circuit oc or noload test the purpose of this test is to determine the. Transformers, electrical engineering multiple choice questions objective type questions, mcqs, with question and answers, download free pdf, electrical engineering, multiple choice questions, objective type questions, electrical engineering short notes, rapid fire notes, best theory. Sumpners test use in identical transformer for, to find the sumpner s test back to back test is the very practical, convenient, efficient and minimum power consumption without actual loading heat run temp. This test gives the value of total loss accurately as it occurs when it is in actual use. Sumpnerss test on a pair of single phase transformer 1722 3.
Electrical machines 2 pdf notes em 2 pdf notes smartzworld. The sumpner test is carried out on two identical transformers to compute the efficiency of each transformer. One of our esteemed professor details about sumpners test experiment for the students of electrical and electronics engineering department. Download pdf electronic transformers and circuits free.
Sumpners test on similar transformers and determination of combined and individual transformer efficiency. Jun 30, 2017 it explains polarity test in the transformer. Which of the following is not a routine test on transformers. Apr 02, 2016 sumpner or backtoback test sumpners test or back to back test on transformer is another method for determining transformer efficiency, voltage regulation and heating under loaded conditions. Here, two identical transformers are connected back to back, such that their primaries are in parallel across the same voltage source and. Polarity test of a singlephase transformer electrical. Concept of coupled circuits, dot convention, writing network equilibrium equations in coupled circuits problems on coupled circuits excluded, principle of transformer action for voltage transformation, constructional details of shell type and core type singlephase and threephase transformers, description of the following types of transformers power transformer. Transformer objective questions and answers pdf free set 10.
Sumpners test is used to put large transformer on full load. Transformers and motors download ebook pdf, epub, tuebl, mobi. Sumpners test give more accurate results of regulation. Sumpners test of transformers presented by girin chutia assam engineering college 2. Load test on singlephase transformer and three phase transformers. Sumpners test provides data for finding the regulation, efficiency and heating under load conditions and is employed only when two similar transformers are available. Pdf laboratory manual of electrical machines ii mukesh. Both transformers are connected to supply in such a way that one transformer is loaded on another. With its unique combination of transformers and motors, electrical transformers and rotating machines, 3e is an excellent resource. Sumpner s test provides data for finding the regulation, efficiency and heating under load conditions and is employed only when two similar transformers are available. So,one transformer is loaded on the other in sumpners test. Objects of testing transformers, polarity test, sumpners test. Polarity test of a singlephase transformer polarity testing of transformers is vital before connecting them in parallel.
The sumpner s test is another method of determining efficiency, regulation and heating under load conditions. Parallel operation of two dissimilar singlephase transformers of different kva and determination of load sharing and analytical verification given the short circuit test data. Sumpners test or back to back test on transformer is another method for determining transformer efficiency, voltage regulation and heating under. Transformer is a static device, which is used to convert ac electricity from one voltage to another without any change in frequency. Sumpner or backtoback test sumpners test or back to back test on transformer is another method for determining transformer efficiency, voltage regulation and heating under loaded conditions. Sumpners test is conducted on transformers to determine a temperature. Short circuit and open circuit tests on transformer can give us parameters of equivalent circuit of transformer, but they can not help us in finding the heating information. To conduct sumpners test on two identical singlephase transformers and to determine its efficiency and regulation characteristics. To perform open circuit and short circuit test on a single phase transformer and to predetermine the. Oc and sc tests sumpners test predetermination of efficiency and regulationseparation of losses testparallel operation with equal and unequal voltage ratios auto transformersequivalent circuit. Sumpner s test give more accurate results of regulation.
Swinburnes test and speed control of dc shunt motor. Sumpners test or back to back test requires two transformers. Sumpners test also known as sumpner test, backtoback test or load test 2 a type of test of transformer, which allows simulation of full load conditions and hence also thermal testing, without the need for full rated load sumpners test is used for large transformers, for which ordinary fullload tests are too expensive from the viewpoint of electrical energy consumption and. The third edition also includes an allnew instructor resource cd with powerpoints, image library and examviewtm test bank generator. Electrical diagram of a sumpner s test for singlephase transformers 1 by s. Sumpner s test or back to back test on transformer is another method for determining transformer efficiency, voltage regulation and heating under loaded conditions. Chapter 2 d c motors 42 to read, highlight, and take notes, across web, tablet, and phone. Oc and sc tests sumpners test predetermination of efficiency and regulationseparation of losses testparallel operation with equal and unequal voltage ratios auto transformersequivalent circuit comparison with two winding transformers. May 24, 2019 ee6401 electrical machinesi previous year question papers february 27, 2018 may 24, 2019 syed afrith b. Ee6401 electrical machinesi previous year question papers february 27, 2018 may 24, 2019 syed afrith b.
Testing of single phase transformer and auto transformer. Scheme of instruction and syllabi of university college of. Sumpner test or back to back test on transformer this test is conducted instantaneously on two similar transformers and so the transformers temperature rise, efficiency and voltage regulations. Sumpner s test is conducted on transformers to determine a temperature. This test requires two identical transformers and is connected as shown in circuit diagram. Otherwise, with incorrect polarity, it is not possible to connect them in parallel. The main advantages of the swinburnes test are as follows. Sumpners test or backtoback test on transformer electricaleasy.
This test is also known as back to back test or load test. Sumpners test give more accurate results of regulation and efficiency than o. Solved disadvantages of sumpners test disadvantages of. Ac equivalent circuits capacitors behave as shortcircuits to ac signals, so in the ac equivalent circuit for a transistor circuit all capacitors must be replaced with shortcircuits. Easyengineering provide you the best collections of anna university regulation 2017 semester study materials like ee8301 electrical machines i em i syllabus, books, lecture notes, part a 2 marks with answers, important part b marks questions, direct 16 mark questions, important part c 15 marks questions, local authors pdf books, question bank with answers key, anna university ee8301. These two tests on a transformer helps to find determine. The sumpner s test requires two identical transformers. E electrical and electronics engineering, second year 4th semester ee6401 electrical machinesi previous year question papers for the regulation 20. Backtoback test sumpners test on transformer definition. Download link is provided and students can download the anna university ee6401 electrical machines i em i syllabus question bank lecture notes syllabus part a 2 marks with answers part b 16 marks question bank with answer, all the materials are listed below for the students to make use of it and score good maximum marks with our study materials. Jun 24, 2019 gy transformersconstruction, polarity test, sumpners test, all day efficiency. Transformers, electrical engineering multiple choice questions objective type questions, mcq s, with question and answers, download free pdf, electrical engineering, multiple choice questions, objective type questions, electrical engineering short notes, rapid fire notes, best theory.
C test, sumpner or back to back test, condition for. This test can also be used to determine the efficiency of a transformer. Pdf electrical transformers and rotating machines download. Electrical diagram of a sumpners test for singlephase transformers 1 by s. As the constant loss is known the efficiency can be predetermined at any load. The sumpners test is another method of determining efficiency, regulation and heating under load conditions. Several key features in each unit make this an excellent teaching tool.
This test is necessary for parallel operation of transformers and sumpners test. Sumpners test or back to back test on transformer is another method for determining transformer efficiency, voltage regulation and heating under loaded conditions. Open circuit and short circuit tests on single phase transformer. We connect ac supply at primary side of transformers. And one more low voltage supply is connected in series with secondaries to get the readings, as shown in the circuit diagram shown below. Reflecting new technologies and the latest practices in the field, electrical transformers and rotating machines, 3e combines a current, comprehensive explanation of theory with practical applications of. Losses and efficiency in dc machines and transformers condition for maximum efficiency testing of dc machines brake test, swinburne s test, retardation test and hopkinson s test testing of transformers polarity test, load test, phasing out test sumpner s test separation of losses all day efficiency. Index to other editions view all electrical machines v. What is backtoback test sumpners test on transformer. Mar 09, 2017 the sumpner test is carried out on two identical transformers to compute the efficiency of each transformer. The primary will draw a small current i 0 to supply the iron losses and a very small amount of copper loss in primary, hence the primary no load current i 0 lags v 1 by an angle o 0 less than 900 and no load input power w 0 v 1 i 0. The full load test on a small transformer is very convenient, but on the large transformer, it is very difficult. Load test on singlephase transformer and three phase transformer connections.
Thus, this method is an economical and convenient method of testing of dc machines. The power required to test a large machine is small. Understanding ac circuits covers the second half of a basic electronic circuits theory course, integrating theory and laboratory practice into a single text. Sumpners test use in identical transformer for, to find the sumpners test back to back test is the very practical, convenient, efficient and minimum power consumption without actual loading heat run temp. This test is called, backtoback test, regenerative test or sumpners test. Sumpners test electrical engineering interview questions. Sumpners test on a pair of single phase transformers free download as.
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